Berry Berry GLeek

Friday, February 25, 2011

The League of Plants

                Well, Moving on from the previous discussion of Animal Frenzy, we now shall blog about the League of Plants. Berry Berry Gleek ,partnered with another friend, having the information about Coniferophyta. Di-Eco Dude, Pawprints, and Patatas having to group up and gather information about Dicotyledones. And Last but certainly not the least, Spasmboi, grouped with fellow friend, having to gather information about Monocotyledones.

                 Even though we are finished with presenting the data we gathered, we have to admit that we did have easy and hard parts of reporting. One of the hard parts or one of the most difficult parts, was having to research on the many subgroups under the Division or Class. Another difficult part of reporting, was having to create a slideshow presenting the Class or Division. An easy part of creating such reporting was having to report orally, since it was presented to friends and fellow learners.

                 The Topics the Blogger Presented on:
> Coniferophyta. "Cone- Plants" deriving from the greek words konus, which means cone, and phuton which means plant from the word phuein, which means "to make grow"
> Coniferophyta. Conifers are also reffered to gymnosperms, a term meaning naked seed.
> They are woody plants
> The leaves are needle-like
> There are two types of cones:
    -The Large, Female Cones that contain many ovules, which will produce gameteophytes
    -The Smaller One, being the Male cone which produces gameophyte pollen grains.

>Dicoyledones. Di- meaning two and cotyledone -meaning embryonic leaf.
>Has Taproots to anchor plant which has many side roots.
>Has Vascular bundles arranged in rings
>Flowers are in multiples of fours or fives
>These plants reproduce through Angiosperm reproduction
>Has cambium which is not found in monocots

> Comes from the word liliopsida
>Has 3, 6, or 9 petals for its flower
>Had evolved 100-120 million years ago
> Comprises the majority of agricultural plants in terms of biomass produced.
>Usually has narrow leaves with parallel veins and smooth edges, and hollow or soft stems
>Has only one embryonic leaf which differs it from the dictoyledones

                      We learned the importance of these plants, not only for us humans, but also for the balance of nature. We learned that, if these plants ever seize to exsist, we'll have bigger problems than we have now.

  Well we hope you had a good time reading this post!
The information were collected from the reports of the bloggers


Friday, February 18, 2011

Animal Frenzy!!!

Hello readers! Welcome to Blogitty Blog-Blog where we, the bloggers (Pawprints, Di-Eco dude, Patatas, Berry berry gleek, and Spazmboi) will be blogging about our awesome experiences in Science class and in our field trips. So, first of all, we're gonna blog about our...3rd quarter Science CEO which is well, about animals. And that's why the title of this blog is..ANIMAL FRENZY!

So, what's this 3rd quarter CEO all about?
Well, our CEO is all about animal biodiversity. So each of us were assigned different animals. We had to report on these different animals that we were assigned to. Patatas had to report on Phylum Echinodermata while Spazmboi had to report on Phylum Nematoda. Kingdom Eubacteria was reported by Di-eco dude and Sub phylum Chordata was reported by Berry berry gleek. Pawprints had to report on Phylum Annelida.

We prepared for this CEO by researching on our topics and also by preparing handouts and a powerpoint presentation. Of course, we encountered problems like having incorrect data. But that was solved because we consulted with our awesome teacher, Sir Rye and he corrected our mistakes and wrong data.

After doing this project, we learned how important animals can be in our lives and how important they are too to Mother Nature.
So, we should take care of these creatures that God gave us because they make the world beautiful and they're important..right?
Well, that's all for now. We'll be posting many more blogs about our experiences and epic keep reading our blogs! 

 Here are some simple facts on the Phylums we reported on

         Phylum Nematoda  Or Also known as  Roundworms
>They're round bodied, elongate, cylindrical, and unsegmented. They're bodies are covered with a thick, chemical resistant cuticle, capable of being shedded.

> Nema derives from the word thread and Eidos for form
>Why are they important? So we know what is bad for our body!

 Phylum Echinodermata
>  Echinoderms have spiney structures
> Echinoderms have tube feet for absorption.
>They have a nerve-net nervous system
>Why are they important? They help regulate the population of some organisms, and they can extract organic matter!        

 Phylum Chordata
A. urochordata- small marine creatures
>bilateral and eats planktons
>swims using motorchord and live on ocean floor
>contains useful chemical compounds(didemnins, aplidine, trabectidine) which are effective aginst various types of cancer

B. cephalocordata -smal fishlike marine inverebrates
>bilateral and eats planktons and diatoms
>can swim backward but spends most time buried halfway in sand
>lives in sandy bottoms from 3.28-82,02 ft in depth
>supply species to for educational and research institutions species
cephalochordata reproduces sexual with gonochoristic and the tunicate(urochordata) reproduces both sexualy and asexually
>Why are they impotant? They're important because they have effective chemical compounds against cancer.

Phylum Annelid " or the Segmented Worms"
> Each segment has a function
> Annelids are multicellular
>They have Muscular,Digestive,Nervous,Circulatory,Respiratory,Reproductive, and excretory Systems
>They have setae or a bristle-like structure instead of having a skeleton
>Why are they important? They're important for blood-cleansing and soil fertility!
Phylum Eubacteria
>Subgroups : Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Gram-Positive Bacteria,Sphirochetes,Chlamydiae
>They are autotrophic meaning they produce their own food which can be done through photosynthesis and chemosynthesis,but some are heterotrophic meaning they also collect food which they can do by feeding off other organisms.
>They can be in either coccus,bacillus,Spirillium,Spirochete, or Vibrio in their forms.
>They reproduce asexually by Binary Fission, a process, in which a bacteria splits into two cells.
>They can reproduce Sexually by conjugation, a process by which bacteria join to exchange genetic bacteria.
>Why are they important? well, they are decomposers, they produce methane, they help digest food and prevent harmful bacteria, they are used in environmental  recycling and clean-ups, and they can produce fuel, food, and medication.

And note that these information on the phylas were taken from the reports of the members of this blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

About Ze Vloggers and Our Rationale

 First of all let's start off with:
Rachel Berry

Berry Berry Gleek- Triza:       

>Berry, being the name of a part of fruit-bearing plants which are part in the Dicotyledons and monocotyledons group or division of kingdom plantae.
>Loving Glee, she is inspired to use the vocal chords given to her.
>Given the opportunity,she can perform and conduct.
>Her favorite character in the TV series Glee is named "Rachel Berry".

SpazmBoi- Jeno:      
Human Torch
>the video game addict
>Technically, if you aren't awesome, you can't read this
>He's one of the awesome bloggers here
>feel free to buy him food any day
>Somehow, he balances his affections for his DSi, and Spazms Just don't ask about spazms.

> His favorite hero is "The Human Torch"

Patatas- Frances:    
Barney Stinson
 >The potato-loving, animal- protecting blogger
>feel free to buy her potatoes
> Loves Motion city soundtrack- Can't live w/o it
> awesomeness is her other name
>designs the blog
>Her love for potatoes taking over the Filipino version "Patatas" which is a vegetable for life.

> Her favorite so called "hero" of hers is "Barney Stinson" from the T.V. show "How I Met Your Mother"


di-eco dude- Shauna:      
>The combination of "di" from dicotyledons and and eco from ecology, makes the name di-eco dude.
>is the editor of the blog.

>Her favorite Hero is "Robin"


Pawprints- Cariel:          
Dead Pool
>Pawprints is her pseudo name because it represents the animal kingdom.
>also one of the editors.
>also rights blogs.

>loves animals except some insects. 0_o
> Her Favorite Hero is "Dead Pool" 

 Our Rationale: 

We decided to blog here because we want to share interesting things that happen in  our Science class. We also want to blog about the things we learn in our class. And also things that happen in our field trips. We want to share things with other people through this blog.  We also want to share pictures about things we learn.