Berry Berry GLeek

Sunday, February 13, 2011

About Ze Vloggers and Our Rationale

 First of all let's start off with:
Rachel Berry

Berry Berry Gleek- Triza:       

>Berry, being the name of a part of fruit-bearing plants which are part in the Dicotyledons and monocotyledons group or division of kingdom plantae.
>Loving Glee, she is inspired to use the vocal chords given to her.
>Given the opportunity,she can perform and conduct.
>Her favorite character in the TV series Glee is named "Rachel Berry".

SpazmBoi- Jeno:      
Human Torch
>the video game addict
>Technically, if you aren't awesome, you can't read this
>He's one of the awesome bloggers here
>feel free to buy him food any day
>Somehow, he balances his affections for his DSi, and Spazms Just don't ask about spazms.

> His favorite hero is "The Human Torch"

Patatas- Frances:    
Barney Stinson
 >The potato-loving, animal- protecting blogger
>feel free to buy her potatoes
> Loves Motion city soundtrack- Can't live w/o it
> awesomeness is her other name
>designs the blog
>Her love for potatoes taking over the Filipino version "Patatas" which is a vegetable for life.

> Her favorite so called "hero" of hers is "Barney Stinson" from the T.V. show "How I Met Your Mother"


di-eco dude- Shauna:      
>The combination of "di" from dicotyledons and and eco from ecology, makes the name di-eco dude.
>is the editor of the blog.

>Her favorite Hero is "Robin"


Pawprints- Cariel:          
Dead Pool
>Pawprints is her pseudo name because it represents the animal kingdom.
>also one of the editors.
>also rights blogs.

>loves animals except some insects. 0_o
> Her Favorite Hero is "Dead Pool" 

 Our Rationale: 

We decided to blog here because we want to share interesting things that happen in  our Science class. We also want to blog about the things we learn in our class. And also things that happen in our field trips. We want to share things with other people through this blog.  We also want to share pictures about things we learn. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good inclusion of graphics and widgets. Although you can still improve the layout of the page.

    Your score: 44/45

    Congratulations! This post is awarded as Best Post for task no. 1!

    Keep it up!
