Berry Berry GLeek

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Adventure Continues........ To the Institute of Plant Breeding!!

Welcome! In the trip, we went to places like the DTRI to IRRI. Now lets go to the Institue of Plant Breeding! We've seen many plants there. So fresh and green! Walking around the institute, breathing in the fresh air produced by the beloved plants, was very relaxing and felt good. You could see many green and alive plants, growing healthily. With this post, we hope we shared the experience we gained in this trip.
            Here are some Organisms we saw there:

Organism 1
Common Name: White Corn
White Corn

 Scientific Name: Zea mays
           Kingdom: Plantae
           Division: Tracheophyta
           Class: Liliopsida
           Order: Poales
           Family: Pocacaceae
           Genus: Zea
           Species: mays
          -High Percentage of sugar and water
          - Serves as food
Ecological Role: Producer
Ecological Relationships:
               >Eaten: White Corn
               > Eats: Herbivores and Omnivores

Organism 2
Common Name: Bayog
Scientific Name: Bambusa merrlliana
           Kingdom: Plantae
           Division: Magnoliophyta
           Class: Liliopsida
           Subclass: Commenunidae
           Order: Cyperales
           Family: Poaceae
           Genus: Bambusa
           Species: merrilliana
           -has a woody stem or trunk
           -Is very long
           -Has Green, Black, and Brown colors
Ecological Role: Producer
Ecological Relationships:
                > Eaten: Bayog
                > Eaters: Herbivores like pandas!

 Organism 3

Sweet Potato
 Common Name: Sweet Potato
Scientific Name: Iponema batatas
           Kingdom: Plantae
           Order:  Solanales
           Family: Convolvilaceae
           Genus: Iponema
           Species: batatas
            -Brown- Colored
Ecological Role: Producer
Ecological Relationships:
               >Eaten: Sweet Potato
               > Eater: Herbivores and Omnivores

                                      We learned that, we need to help our environment with activities like recycling, reusing and reducing, because if we don't we'll be harming the plants around the environment. We need to help our environment, or we'll loose these colorful plants. Pollution can harm these plants and we need to help these plants that produce the oxygen we breathe, the vegetables we eat, and the herbs and such we use for medicine, one of our companions in this earth. We learned we need to help these companions, because pollution is harming them.

                                      We hope you enjoyed this post! We hope we shared our experience and the facts we learned in a presentable and well-mannered way.


  1. Hello, Bloggity-Blog-Blog! We, The Science Explorers, are here to evaluate your post. But, first, let us congratulate you on a job well done, but there were some points you could improve on. So, here are your scores:
    Content (10/10)
    Coherence (5/5)
    Creativity (4/5)
    - You could have made your post more, let's say- explosive, in the way you put your words together. Add more adjectives and also you could have been a little been more creative with your title.
    Voice (5/5)
    Mechanics (3/5)
    - You did not indent your pictures very well, also, you did not underline the scientific names.
    Text Layout (4/5)
    -Your font is a bit hard to read because it strains the eyes.
    Graphics and Multimedia (4/5)
    Intellectual Honesty (3/5)
    -Your pictures do not directly go to a definite link, because when we clicked them, the link showed the picture only but not the site where you got it. If the pictures came from you, please indicate it next time.

    Total: (38/45)

    Keep it up, Bloggity-Blog-Blog!

  2. Science Explorers, there is no need to underline the SN since they were italicized already.

    Blogitty, what do you mean by "Eats: Herbivores and Omnivores."

    I guess you want to say: "Eaten by Herbivores & Omnivores," ayt?

    Here is the breakdown of your score:
    9, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3

    Total: 37/45
    Comment: 9/10
    Peer: 38/45

