Berry Berry GLeek

Saturday, March 19, 2011

To Sir, With Love

We, the Blogitty Blog Blog team enjoyed your company for the last 9 posts this blog had. It has always been our pleasure to share with you our thoughts, adventures and experiences. But everything has an end, even good things must come to an end... sad to say, the time has come for our final post , but before that, allow us to take you  to a journey from where these all began...

Blogitty Blog Blog is part of our fourth quarter CEO which was given to us by Sir Rye, an excellent, somehow "strict", warm-hearted and loving teacher (that's how we see him). Anyway, this CEO is about a "Blogging project". It will serve as an outlet and a vessel of everything we have learned and experienced for the past two awesome quarters studying about "Biodiversity". He made us create online journals about our past topics in Science instead of writing it down in a piece of paper where he alone can read it. What a brilliant way to express ourselves...our ideas, our thoughts and even our feelings... we love it!!!

At first we don't know how and where to start, but we, as a group, brainstormed and planned it all together. From choosing the name of our group to the  text layout, from the background colors and graphics up to its  design and content ... plus the snacks in between... We really wanted our different personalities to show in our blog. One idea that we really enjoyed doing was when we created pseudo names for ourselves. That was fun to do...we really thought of it as cool and unique.

Like most of the other groups, we too encountered conflicts and problems--- time, schedule & availability. Just to name a few, when we planned to make our first blog post, we went to the house of one of our groupmates but only three of us came because the others  are  not available. There was also a time when we don't know who will make the next blog post. Nobody wants to take responsibility because of the pile of homeworks from the other subjects that we needed to finish too. Eventually,  instead of arguing with each other, we decided to divide the posting assignments among ourselves, and it was a good decision! And since we wanted to excel in this project, we did everything we could... There was this challenging part of the blogging project where we need to campaign and advertise to win the "The Best Blog Award", our group really strived hard to get as much votes and "likes" as we could... even to the point of staying up late at night to advertise our blog to our friends and relatives... Well, it turned out to be a success, because we are always on top of the lead!!! It feels really GREAT!!!

If you'll ask us if we'd want to do this project all over again...we would definitely say YES!!! It was a good experience! Sitting in front of the computer, composing online journals... pouring your heart out to the subject matter assigned to you... brainstorming with your groupmates... advertising to gather much votes and the thrill of getting the most...those were just pretty awesome!!! Then everytime you get off the seat in front of the computer... when you know that your done with your blog post and you've done your get a good feeling! It came to a point already that we look forward to composing a journal not because it is required of us for our CEO but because we enjoy doing it. 

We do hope CEO will have more projects like this and even more field trips next school year so that students will have a chance to interact and learn more not only inside the four corners of TLT but also outside of its fence. More field trips more blog topics to post!!! Just an opinion to consider... Since this Blogging Project is a great project, why not make it from 1st Quarter to the 4th?!!! But let the deadline be not conflicting and overlapping with the finals anymore so as not to divert the students' attention from reviewing for the finals to advertising their blogs.  

Mt. Makiling Botanical Garden

We want to congratulate and thank Sir Rye for handling our CEO very effectively and passionately. We learned a lot while having fun! The contest was fair & well supervised, the criteria & mechanics were clear and the posting of deadlines were always reasonable. So Sir Rye... keep up the good work! Hats up to you!!!

And finally, we learned and realized many things as we go through this year's CEO. Learning is not always found in books but could also be through interaction with things, animals, plants & people and through shared experiences.We should give credit all the memories we had. We must learn to share the things we know and experienced to others by making a record of it (like a journal) whether be it on a notepad or a blog... so that other people in return, could learn too... and in that process, you will realize YOU HAVE LEARNED A LOT!!! 

Just a side note, writing down on a paper isn't as much fun as posting it on the web, where hundreds & even thousands of people could read it! Memories are like gifts from God that shouldn't be kept in a pocket. The things we experienced and learned could benefit many so why keep it to yourself?! 

"But how do you thank someone,
who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try..."

"The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end,
And as I leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend,
A friend who taught me right from wrong,
And weak from strong,
That's a lot to learn,
But, what can I give you in return? ...."

Sir Rye, thank you for making memories with us... thank you for being a GREAT TEACHER! We salute you! You have left a very significant mark in our lives and we are forever grateful. 

It really was a wonderful journey....
from the beginning, till the end... with you!!!

TLT Grade 6 Batch 2010-2011

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, "learning is not always found in books but could also be through interaction with things, animals, plants & people and through shared experiences."

    It was very heartwarming to read all of those realizations from you. You melted my heart. And I'm forever thankful for allowing me to leave such a wonderful mark in your lives. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!

    For now, here is the breakdown of your score:

    34, 9, 10, 8, 7, 8, 10, 5

    Total: 91/105

    By the way, your suggestion of having it whole year round will be highly considered. \m/
